Flexia is a true multi-purpose WordPress Theme
suitable to build any kind of websites
Flexia offers 100% flexibility to customize your website through WordPress Customizer and you can extend it with your Child Theme. 10+ different Page Templates give you the ability to achieve any kind of layout, best when you are using a Page Builder to design your page.
Flexible Header
Inline or Stacked Logobar position. Static Top, Sticky Top or Transparent Top Navbar for building flexible header.
You can choose different Logobar and Navbar position. You can set Static, Sticky or Transparent Navbar/Menubar right from the Customizer.
Flexible Layout
Set Left Sidebar, Right Sidebar or both sidebars together. You can also show just content without any sidebar.
We have built a really flexible layout to design your pages and posts according to your idea. Layout is based on Flexbox and naturally responsive for all devices. Choose page template from 10+ different layouts for each page and assign sidebar individually.
Flexible Footer
You can enable Footer widgets area, Footer Menu and Bottom Footer to place any content and style them.
You can enable Footer Widgets area and place unlimited widgets there. And additional Footer Menu to place the links and Bottom Footer to place any content like copyright info. Also a "Scroll To Top" link that you can enable for your site.
Advanced Topbar
Enable Topbar to show some content along with a Navigation Menu that supports dropdown and responsive for mobile.
You can use the Topbar to place additional content or promotional content for short time. It has an option to enable Navigation Menu which supports dropdown and perfectly responsive for mobile same as like the main navigation. You can use this as social menu as well with social icons. There is also a Topbar Widgets are that you can enable and place widgets.
Natural Responsiveness
Flexia uses Flexbox to create modern layout with natural responsiveness. Content and Sidebars get stacked naturally.
Flexia uses Flexbox to create modern layout with natural responsiveness. Content and Sidebars get stacked naturally where t should be. Like if you use left and right sidebar then those will be stacked side by side under the content for Tablets and will be fully stacked for mobile.
Flexible Blog
You can choose multiple layout for blog page as well as single posts. You read it right, different layout for each post.
Flexia gives you the flexibility to customize your blog page as well as the single posts. You can set large header, simple header or no header for your posts, individually from Post Settings that could be found under your post editor. You can select global layout from Customizer.
Overlay Search
You can set a beautiful overlay search for your website with Flexia. You an customize every bit of it.
An overlay search is a modern way to search on your website and Flexia has it for you. Just enable it from Customizer and you will see the search icon along with your menu items. You can customize the colors, typography and everything right from the Customizer, in a WordPress native way.
Typography Control
Control your typography right from the WordPress Customizer. Select any Google Font for body and headings.
You can set different Google Font for body and headings. Set the body font size and heading font sizes for each heading and set the link colors or whatever you need. Flexia is fully customizable through the Customizer, in a native WordPress way.
Amazing Menu
Flexia has three menus for Navbar, Topbar and Footer and all of them are responsive and top-notch design.
We have worked hard to create a perfect menu that works great on mobile devices and submenus are not confusing on mobile. Topbar menu also supports dropdown and responsive for mobile in the same way. You can also enable an additional Footer Menu from Customizer.
We have bundled some essential shortcodes through Flexia Core plugin that you can install if you need them.
Shortcodes are still a handy feature of WordPress and we are offering the most useful ones like Row, Columns with lots of necessary parameters and it's based on Bootstrap 4 grid. Check them from here.
Custom JavaScripts
Add custom JavaScript or jQuery through Customizer and edit with integrated CodeMirror editor.
Flexia adds the ability to add Custom header and footer scripts individually through Flexia Core. You can place any custom JavaScript, Facebook Pixel or any kind of embed script, the safest way to add additional scripts on your site which is properly sanitized.
Google Analytics
You don't need another plugin to add Google Analytics code for your site. Add them right from the Customizer.
You can add Google Analytics code for your site from the WordPress Customizer, the safest way to add external code that get sanitized through CodeMirror editor and Flexia.
SEO Friendly
Flexia is fully SEO ready theme and has been developed keeping SEO in mind. Also compatible with all SEO plugins.
You can choose different Logobar and Navbar position. You can set Static, Sticky or Transparent Navbar/Menubar right from the Customizer.
Translation & RTL
As published through WordPress.org, Flexia is Translation ready and we are working to provide more language support.
As published through WordPress.org, Flexia is Translation ready and we are working to provide more language support. Also it's ready for Right to Left languages. You can also contribute for your language on wp.org or Flexia Github repository.
Secure & Stable
Flexia has been reviewed and approved on WordPress.org and follows the best coding practices to keep your site clean and secure.
Flexia is hosted on WordPress.org and follows the best practices of WordPress Theme Development. Rest assured the code behind your site is clean and efficient and we do updates regularly to keep it up to date.
EDD Ready
Seamless integration with Easy Digital Downloads. Build your digital product store with Flexia.
Flexia offers seamless integration with Easy Digital Downloads offering ajax add to cart, beautiful single download, cart page, checkout page design and more that gives you the power to build your digital store with Flexia along with your beautiful website.
WooCommerce Ready
Seamless integration with WooCommerce. Build your WooCommerce store with Flexia effortlessly.
Flexia offers seamless integration with WooCommerce offering ajax add to cart, beautiful shop, product page, cart page, checkout page design and more that gives you the power to build your digital store with Flexia along with your beautiful website.
Open Source
Flexia is an open source theme available on WordPress.org and developed on Github public repository.
We develop Flexia on Github and you can contribute on our Github repository to make it better. You can contribute to translate on your language on WordPress.org as well as we want to grow as a community.
Flexia Pro Features
Flexia Pro offers some cutting-edge feature to build stunning websites quickly.
Multiple Blog Layout
Create customized blog page with Masonry layout, Filterable Gallery and Lightbox. You can create multiple blog pages with different layout and design.
Header Layouts
Get beautiful pre-build header layouts for your website.
Premium Templates [Coming Soon]
Kick-start your projects with top quality ready templates and landing pages exclusively built for Flexia Pro. We are working on to bring New stunning templates very soon.
Premium Plugin
Get Access to Essential Addons for Elementor
Flexia Pro offers some powerful modules to enable great features for your website. If you don’t need any, you can keep them disabled in order to avoid extra assets being loaded on your site.