How To Set Transparent Header

Web designers often use headers with a transparent background to make content more lively. Flexia offers very flexible header options to customize and set a transparent header. Follow this guide to learn how to set a transparent header on Flexia seamlessly.

Step 1: Go To The Header Layout Options On Flexia #

To set transparent headers for your landing pages or blogs on Flexia, open the Layout from Flexia’s Header tab. Go to Appearance → Customize from your WordPress dashboard and choose the Header option to open the Layout menu.

[Note: You must install and activate the Flexia theme on your WordPress website before setting a transparent header.]

set transparent header

Step 2: Change Navbar Position #

From the Navbar Position options, select ‘Transparent Default Top’. Flexia will change the Navbar position instantly. Now publish your page.

Final Outcome #

Now, visit your page to see whether your header’s background color is transparent.

set transparent header

That’s how easily you can set a transparent header on Flexia.
For any difficulties, feel free to contact our dedicated support team.

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Updated on April 26, 2023